Monday, May 20, 2013

Dunkirk to Batavia to Liverpool NY

Short day yesterday. Just 82 miles. Took it pretty easy to put some in the bank for the last few days. My body is definitely feeling some cuumualtive fatigue. My energy levels are decent in the morning but drop in the afternoon. I feel like I am struggling then.

The weather has been very nice. Low 80s by mid-afternoon.

Tomorrow we may face some thunder showers. Our instructions are to duck into some nearby shelter if we are in lightening.

I got into Batavia around 3pm.

Today's ride was Batavia to Liverpool: 120 miles and about 2500 feet of climbing. I felt great in the morning. Richard passed me about 7 miles before lunch SAG and pulled me into lunch. I tried like mad to stay in the aerodynamic sweet spot behind him. He rides pretty low so he is hard to draft off of.  But he must have pulled at about 22 mph. It was nice to go that fast and not have to work so hard. With Richard's help and help from Jim earlier I finished the first 60 miles in 3:30. That's a little fast for me. Burning too much fuel early. 

When we hit lake Seneca the temperature dropped maybe 15 degrees.

I took some more video from my bike during the Batavia day.

Three more ~120 mile days to go!


  1. I am so proud of you and l love u with all my heart seeing you coming down the street made me feel like a school girl with a huge crush. Holding you again justade my heart melt. I love that you had a dream and went after it and accomplished it. I know there were mental and physical challenges and that u learned a lot about your self. I learned a lot of things too n your absence. I lo forward to embracing life at even a higher level and living with no regrets. You have inspired me n so many ways
