Friday, May 24, 2013

I Finished!

Been too tired and busy to post anything the last few days. But I did finish yesterday afternoon.
Woohoo! All 24 riders finished safely.
What an awesome experience.
I will post more later....
In the last few days we completed Liverpool to Amsterdam, NY, Amsterdam, NY. to Keene, NH. and Keene NH. to the Atlantic ocean in Amesbury, MA.

I took this video I think during the run into Liverpool.

We have been really lucky with the weather this whole trip and particularly within the last few days. The forecast for Liverpool was severe thunder storms. But, we arrived in Liverpool with only light rains. Boy did it get stormy that night though. We had high winds, rain and a lot of lightening. Richard and I decided to order out for pasta and salad...

We got a bunch of food! Way too much to eat comfortably. But, it was good.

We had another 3 state day leaving Amsterdam for Keene. We started in New York, went through Vermont for about 4 hours and then arrived in Keene, NH.

I don't have the New Hampshire state border picture yet because it was taken by Mike. I rode the rest of the way into Keene from the New Hampshire state border with Mike and Karen. When I arrived there, I got the weirdest collection of cards and comments. Someone had left a card and a squirt gun for me. The name "Mark Miller" is such a common name I figured there must have been a mistake. But, the hotel front desk attendant said they didn't have any other Mark Miller's at the hotel and, in any event, it was intended for one of the ABB cyclists. They said the squirt gun was to help with the occasional dogs that sometimes chase after us. It was really wierd! More on that later.

There was a lot of climbing in these last few days; a total of about 15,000. 3,000 on day 31, 7,000 on day 32 and 5,000 on day 33. I made some handlebar videos during these climbs; climbing with Ralph and Joe, another one climb with Shane, Dan and Tim, another one nearing the top of Hogback.

Passed this amazing church in a small town in Vermont, whose name I cannot remember now...

We paralleled this river for a couple of the climbs. I don't remember the name of the river though

This was the panarama from the top of Hogback climb. I think this is still in New York. Amazing view. Not at all what I envision when I think of New York.

Here I am at the top of Hogback...

Here the riders are assemblying at the last rondezvous point before the final 2 miles into Salisbury beach in Amesbury, MA.

And, here is Sandy at our hotel room in Amesbury...

And, guess who also met me at the finish... Mom and Dad. A total surprise. They were the ones who left the funny package and card at Keene hotel.

More pictures later...


  1. Awesome!!!!! Outstanding...what a fantastic ending to an awesome cycling adventure, anxious to hear more.

    Hope to see you soon.

  2. By the way, love the picture - looking diced, sliced, toned, tanned and ready for for another monster cycling adventure....

    1. Thx Scott. It was a journey. A lot to talk about. Lost maybe 5-10 lbs too ;)

  3. Whoo hoo! Congratulations! Coast to coast by bicycle. WOW! You're superman :-)

    1. Thx Kathleen for all your prayers and comments. Was happy to finish without any mishaps. A lot of traffic out here in the east and that makes for more opportunities for problems. Thankfully we had none.

  4. Huge accomplishment Mark!

    To put it in perspective, you will now view the Markleeville Death Ride as ride in the park :)
    Ready to do it again next year? I am in .....

    1. Thx Steve. I'd like to do the Auburn century next week but don't know if my bike will be back by then. I am shipping it UPS The Death Ride sold out in Jan. so no chance of that this year. Next year doing it again? Hmmmm.... think I want to try something different ;)

  5. Mark Great accomplishment.You did it,but it is so nice to have the support you have from Sandy what a special couple. Congratulations to both of you. Jim Brown

    1. Thx Jim. Was so glad you followed. Yes I couldn't have done this without Sandy's support. It was so nice to see her and hug her waiting at the finish all in purple.

  6. Congrats Mark - what an awesome journey!

    1. Hey Cyrus. Didn't know if you were following. Thanks. It was an amazing experience.

  7. Congratulations Mark! You are one of the few.

    1. OK. Who are you "Calapooia"? Thnx for all your comments and encouragement.

  8. Wow - congratulations Mark! Rally enjoyed the doing the virtual trip with you on your blog, and can't wait to hear more when you get back!

    1. Thx Rob. Be happy to talk your ear off about it next week.

  9. Mark I love u to the ends of the universe and back. What u have accomplished is beyond amazing and I thank god for your safe riding. I also thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to post write or send care packages to encourage you. These things meant the world to me. I know you have learned many things From your journey both physically and mentally that will serve u well the rest of your life. I have too n your absence. We both have never taken life for granted but I do look forward to living even more boldly and loving on each other even deeper. U have inspired me beyond belief and greeting to hug u again is priceless to me

    1. Hey Babe. U r right. Thanks be to God for safe travels. I love you so much. I had to keep thoughts of reuniting with you out of my head until I finished the last pedal stroke do I could jeep my focus on safe riding. Thanks for encouraging me to pursue my dreams.

  10. I am n awe of what u have accomplished and how deep my love still is after 30years together. I pray god gives us more time together to have more adventure together even with all the tough things n life that happen. I am just so thankful that u r my spirit mate n life as well asy best friend. I am happy to have my other half back and life

  11. Dear Mark, I'm so proud of you. What an amazing accomplishment. Glad you made it back safely. It sure was an epic story and fun to follow.

    Lee ( Scott's much better half )

    1. Hi Lee,

      I just saw this comment. Thanks so much for following. It sure was a fun adventure.
