Thursday, May 16, 2013

Marysville to Wooster OH

103 miles today. Stunning scenery and great weather. We did about 4000 feet of climbing mainly rollers but some steep gradients sometimes over 10%. Most of climbing was later in the ride after the lunch SAG.

I felt sluggish all day. I also had bad attitude most of the day. So that didn't help. I think I was dealing with some energy low. I also had a bad gas bubble in my stomach for about an hour and that didn't feel good.

I managed to get myself over the big rollers late in the day. It wasn't pretty but it got me there. Got into Wooster about 2:30 for about 7 hours riding including rest stops. That's a little surprising given how I was feeling and pedaling.

I rode today entirely alone and it worked OK for me. I figured it was best too since I seemed to be having attitude problems.

The roads we're stunning. A lot of really green forested areas. We did hit some really bad road for a couple miles. But my bike held up well through it. We had a lot of turns to; two que sheets worth.

Tomorrow more of the same but we have a really rough section of several miles tomorrow and probably a light headwind. Only 98 miles too.

I made another handlebar video too.


  1. Mark More great pictures and liked the vido. No matter how tough it gets you are all most there. Keep up the good work. Jim Brown

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thx Jim. Keep sending good thoughts my way.

  2. Hi boo,
    You are bound to have tough days on a journey like this and it can be hard to stay positive but you are almost done. Stay away from others when you need too, be careful about seeing something that isn't really there, and keep your goals in mind. Sometimes you just need to stop and meditate or something just to change focus. I love you with all my heart and I am counting down the days. sandy

    1. You are right babe. There is too much nice scenery here to hold onto negativity. I muss you a bunch.

  3. I think you don't remember living back in Ann Arbor where it was much like this scenery. See, there is more to the midwest than mosquitos.


    1. Yes. I don't remember. There are a lot of bugs. They stick to my sunscreen covered arms and legs. But haven't seen many mosquitoes yet.

  4. Beautiful day of riding. Roll with the energy highs and lows. Lots of miles in the body and mind, so adjust your expectations accordingly. Stick to your game plan and stay focused on your riding, the Tour is slowly coming to an end.

    1. Was that a pun Scott? All I've been doing is rollin ;)

      Its easy to get complacent and lose focus at this stage. So thanks for the reminder.

  5. Hey Mark,

    For myself, I can notice that sort of "attitude problem" as a precursor to illness, so take care and get plenty of rest (I know, easier said than done....)

    - Richard

    1. Thx for the heads up Richard. I've had a nagging cough since Kansas due to dry throat.

  6. Hey Mark,

    I liked the handlebar cam video. You look good (old but good - that was from Denise). We are so proud of you (that is from me and Cosmo - and Denise). I read reports in Ohio of a gas leak. Not sure if it is related... but????

    Seriously, keep pumping, stay positive and you got this thing licked. You are our hero. Keep peddling.

    1. Hey Bud. Thx for the encouragement. Really need it. Today was 140 miler with some headwinds last 50. But finished in 10 hours elapsed time.
